
Tazones, declared a historic complex, is a small fishing village located in the municipality of Villaviciosa, in the heart of the Cider Region of the Principality of Asturias.
Arriving at Tazones takes you on a journey through the senses, as you take in the vision offered by the contrast between the blue of the Cantabrian Sea, the green of the Asturian coast and the multicoloured tones of the sailors' houses which cling to the slopes of the town. Delight your taste buds and your nose with the delicious fish and shellfish recipes which are cooked in its numerous hotels every day. Feel the sea breeze on your skin while listening to the coming and going of the seagulls which accompany the small fishing boats returning to port with the day's catch.
Visiting Tazones is also a journey through time, however, back to the year 1517, when the young Prince Charles of Ghent set foot on Spanish soil for the first time when his fleet dropped anchor in this port. He would later become King Charles I of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire as Charles V, the most powerful man on earth in his time. On that first trip he arrived from Flanders to take possession of the kingdoms of his grandparents, the Catholic Monarchs. After being received in Tazones he moved to the town of Villaviciosa, where he stayed for four days at the Casa de los Hevia, before continuing on his way to Valladolid, where he would be sworn in as King. Every August this event is commemorated with a festival that has been officially declared of Tourist Interest in the Principality of Asturias. Celebrations include a historical recreation of the landing, as well as a variety of different activities based on daily life in this fishing village in the sixteenth century.