
The small town of Molinaseca is located in the El Bierzo region a few kilometres from Ponferrada. It oozes medieval atmosphere and invites you to walk leisurely, accompanying pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago as they enter Calle Real after crossing the Roman bridge - 'Pilgrims Bridge' - to the Cross of the Holy Christ.
Declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1975, it has almost ten centuries of history and was given the title of Villa in 1134. It retains a rich popular architecture with passageways, chestnut wood hanging galleries, exterior stairways for access to the houses and slate roofs, along with some manor houses with ashlar portals and noble coats of arms.
Among the must-see sights of this town, we find the shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows (17th century), patron saint of the town, and the parish church of San Nicolás de Bari (17th century) where the Christ of the Atonement (14th century) is located.
Worthy of particular note among its traditions and festivities we find "The Water Festival," declared a regional event of tourist interest by the Diputación de León and more than half a century old, which attracts a multitude of attendees every 17th August; or "El magosto Popular" where you can sample roasted chestnuts accompanied by wine, chorizo and hot chocolate all round.
Molinaseca has a huge amount to offer tourists with a sizeable network of hostels, hotels, guesthouses, rural houses, restaurants, companies dedicated to making cured meat products and wine cellars.
With regard to its cuisine, El Bierzo is famous for the conference pear, rennet apple, chestnuts, roasted peppers and the coveted ‘botillo’, a robust and filling dish made with different pig products, and accompanied by Cachelo potatoes, collard greens or chickpeas. All washed down by the excellent wines of the Bierzo Designation of Origin.
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