Castellar de la Frontera

Located in a rocky environment with a magnificent castle that watches over everything from on high, Castellar de la Frontera in Cádiz is considered the green lung of the region. Its origins date back to the Bronze Age although it also has a strong Muslim history, seen in buildings such as the Tower of the Almoraima.
The city is part of the itinerary called the Ruta del Toro, which winds it way through the province of Toro, inviting you to learn more about the animal with which it shares its name ('toro' means bull in Spanish) in its natural habitat.
Castellar is full of history - one of the many reasons why visitors are sure to fall in love with it. The castle at the top of the village is an ancient Nasrid fortress dating from the 13th century.
Castellar has a great crafts tradition, and is a place full of nature, colour, flowers, whitewashed houses and medieval details that enchants everyone who visits it. Visit the Baroque Church of the Divino Pastor, or Divine Shepherd, or the Convent of San Miguel de la Almoraima.
Nearby is the so-called “last Mediterranean jungle,” La Almoraima - an ideal place for hiking, cycling, horseback riding and bird watching.